Ayurveda Treatment for Osteoarthritis

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Osteoarthritis, often called degenerative arthritis, is the most common arthritis of the joint disease.

The articular cartilage surrounding the joint surface of the bone is worn, the bone under the cartilage is exposed, and the synovium around the joint is inflamed, causing pain and deformation. When you get older, you are often misunderstood as a disease that happens, which is different from the truth.

Causes of osteoarthritis

Our joints there is a soft cartilage that acts as a buffer between the bones and bones. For some reason, this cartilage is damaged by osteoarthritis. There is also a genetic predisposition, which usually occurs after obesity, trauma to the joints, or cartilage damage caused by inflammation.

Most degenerative arthritis occurs when a weak cartilage is used for a long period of time, when a lot of joints are overloaded due to obesity or severe exercise, and when there is a disease in the joints from a young age and a long illness. Therefore, degenerative arthritis can occur at a relatively young age.

Types of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is classified as follows.

• Primary
• Secondary

In primary (or idiopathic) osteoarthritis, the cause (as in most cases) is unknown. Primary osteoarthritis can affect only some joints, such as the knee, or multiple joints.

Secondary osteoarthritis is caused by other conditions or conditions such as:

• infection
• Joint abnormalities at birth
• injury
• Metabolic Disorders – Excessive body iron ( hemochromatosis ) or intrahepatic hyperplasia ( Wilson’s disease )
• Diseases that damage joint cartilage – eg rheumatoid arthritis or gout

Especially dangerous is some people repetitively pressing one joint or group of joints, such as factory workers, farmers, miners, and bus drivers. The main risk factor for osteoarthritis of the knee is caused by the job of bending the joints. Interestingly, long-distance running does not increase the risk of this disease. However, after osteoarthritis, these exercises often aggravate the disease. Obesity can be a major cause of osteoarthritis, especially in knees and women.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis usually develops gradually and affects only one joint or several joints at first. Fingers, thumb bases, neck, waist, big toe, hip, and knee joints are commonly affected.

Pain, often described as deep pain, is the first symptom and usually worsens with weight-bearing activity (eg, standing) in the weight-bearing joints. Some people may have stiff joints after sleeping or after a certain period of sleeplessness, but stiffness usually subsides within 30 minutes, especially when moving joints.

As the condition causes more symptoms, the joints will move less and eventually will not be fully straightened or bent. New growth of cartilage, bones, and other tissues can hypertrophy the joints.Irregular cartilage surfaces cause squeaky or clammy sounds and tenderness when moving joints.

Bone growth usually occurs in joints near the fingertip (Heberden nodule) or middle finger (Bursal nodule).

In some joints (eg, the knee), the ligaments that surround and support the joints increase and the joints become unstable. Otherwise, your hips or knees may become stiff and you may lose your range of motion. Touching or moving joints (especially on standing, stair climbing, or walking) can be very painful.

Osteoarthritis often affects the spine. Back pain is the most common symptom. Normally, spinal disc or joint damage causes only mild pain and stiffness. However, when bone overgrowth presses the nerve, neck or back osteoarthritis can cause numbness, pain, or weakness in the arms or legs.Hypercalcemia occurs within the spinal canal of the lower back (lumbar spinal stenosis), and it can push the nerve out of the spinal canal before going to the bridge. This pressure can cause leg pain after walking, which can be misinterpreted as a decrease in blood supply to the leg ( intermittent claudication ). Rarely, bone growth makes it difficult to swallow the esophagus.

Osteoarthritis can be stable or progressing rapidly over the years, but most commonly, it progresses slowly after symptoms develop. Many people experience some degree of disability.

Patients with experience of joint redness, fever, and swelling should be evaluated by a physician as this experience may be due to infection or gout, rather than osteoarthritis.

Nutrition for Osteoarthritis

You suffer from wear or inflammation in the joints? Then you will have the same rule as for everyone else. And at least keep it healthy or eat healthier.That is not such a complicated job. Eat two fresh vegetables and two pieces of fruit daily. Add a meal with fat sea fish on the table twice a week. Eat varied, at regular times and especially not too much. Once upon a time, all excess kilos make up an additional load for the joints. So healthy weight is just as important as healthy eating. Drink plenty of (mineral) water, tea and fresh juices throughout the day. If you follow these basic guidelines seriously, you are already well on the right track.

Osteoarthritis often seems a local problem but it says something about your body’s health. There are complaints, your body may shorten nutrients and acidify it.

Your body acidifies if the acid-base balance is not in balance. In practice, it appears that in the Western world, the nutritional pattern consists of about 30 to 40% basic forming and 60 to 70% acid-forming foods. While the directive is based on 70% basic and 30% acid-forming foods

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