Best Ayurveda Treatment for Insomnia in Kerala

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Insomnia or sleep disorder is characterized by insufficient duration and / or unsatisfactory quality of sleep over a long period of time. Numerical indices are not important, as for each person sufficient duration of sleep can be individual.

Sleep disorders are a fairly popular neurosis, which affects the emotional state of a person, energy, health and on working capacity.Chronic insomnia is often the cause of serious health problems.However, small changes in your life and certain exercises can save you from anxious nights.

Signs of insomnia:

• difficulty with falling asleep;
• early awakening;
• need for alcohol or sleeping pills to sleep soundly;
• fatigue, drowsiness during the day, irritability or inability to focus on the work process;
• periodic awakenings at night.

Insomnia is a violation of sleep, when a person is not able to fully rest. As a result, in the morning he feels tired and irritable. It should be borne in mind that people need a different length of sleep. The degree of the disease is determined by the quality of sleep, well-being in the morning and in the meantime, which is required to fall asleep. You can even sleep at night for 8 hours, but if you feel fatigue and drowsiness in the daytime, then you can already be diagnosed with “insomnia.”

Consequences of lack or poor quality of sleep are:

• Decreased efficiency;
• Deceleration of the reaction;
• Emergence of mental problems;
• Immunity disorders;
• Increased risk of heart disease.

For the prevention of insomnia, try to lie down and get up at the same time, observe the natural biological rhythm for the human body. A healthy diet also promotes healthy sleep.

In addition, do not go to bed irritated, eat heavy food, tonic drinks and alcohol before bed. It is recommended to do sports, but avoid heavy loads before bed. Create comfortable conditions in the bedroom.

One of the characteristic manifestations of menopause is insomnia. Its occurrence can be caused by a low level of estrogens in the body. Equally, this sleep disturbance can provoke tides that occur at night and interrupt sleep. Tides are characterized by a feeling of heat and accompanied by rapid heartbeats, sweating and chills. In the period of menopause, such tides can develop during the day – both during the day and at night.Night tides in some women are accompanied by a profuse sweating, which can also disturb normal sleep.

menopause, is a transitional stage, which is accompanied by significant hormonal changes in the body of a woman. During this period there is a change in the production of sex hormones (in particular, there is a decrease in the formation of estrogens), there is a gradual extinction of the reproductive (genital) function. Of course, such a restructuring can not but affect the general condition of women. Due to hormonal changes, menopause is usually accompanied by a number of symptoms, which, above all, include such a manifestation on the part of the vegetative-vascular system, like hot flashes. Also, with menopause usually marked by mood swings – characterized by irritability, anxiety, anxiety. In addition, menopause is often accompanied by an increase in body weight.
Treatment Insomnia

There are several factors that contribute to the onset, development and maintenance of insomnia; those that predispose insomnia to appear (genetic, psychological), those that precipitate its development (stressful situations) and those that perpetuate it.

Before resorting to any treatment , whether pharmacological or natural remedies, it is essential to find out the type of insomnia that is suffered and the causes that cause it since it must be taken into account that there is not only one type but there are several classifications, according to their origin, according to the moment of the night in which it occurs or according to its duration.

To treat insomnia several therapeutic interventions are performed:

• Education for health
• Sleep hygiene measures
• Psychological interventions
• Pharmacological interventions
• Other treatments: natural remedies

Occasional insomnia

Sleep disturbances associated with stress or anxiety, ie in cases of occasional or short-term insomnia, can be corrected by following a series of hygienic measures of sleep that include a set of behavioral habits that facilitate the onset or maintenance of sleep and are the common denominator of any treatment used for sleep disorders. People with occasional insomnia problems can adopt these habits to help them minimize their problem and favor normal sleep by trying to get better habits that fit the general lifestyle or changing those that are known to interfere with sleep.

Some of the key insomnia-centered sleep hygiene measures are going to bed only when you are sleepy, getting up every day, including weekends, at the same time or

avoid staying in bed awake longer than necessary

Natural medicine

If we do not want to resort to pharmacological treatments we can opt for natural remedies among which we find acupuncture, phytotherapy or homeopathy, although its effectiveness is not always proven or its effects are not as intense or immediate as the pharmacological treatment.

The aromatherapy is one of the natural remedies to improve stressful situations and nightly rest. Essential oils are substances that do not create dependencies or have adverse side effects at the recommended doses. They can be used with a diffuser in wet (humidifier) or dry (without water), according to the needs of each person. Another application is inhalation by applying droplets on a tissue or cloth, or applying to different parts of the body.

The use of aromatic or medicinal herbs to treat sleep disorders is one of the most used and oldest natural remedies. Medicinal herbs are popular, used in different cultures, and may be considered a sleeping treatment option. It is important to know both the benefits and the risks that comprise the plants and the preparations that are made, so you have to resort to professionals who have knowledge about them. Valerian, passionflower, California poppy, lavender, melissa or linden are some of the plants and herbs used as sleep disorder remedies and are often used in combination with dried grass and extract to enhance the sedative effects thereof.

Another of the oldest natural remedies is acupuncture, one of the main forms of treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is a procedure in which specific body areas, meridian points, are drilled with fine needles. Apart from traditional needle acupuncture, various forms of acupuncture have been developed , including electroacupuncture, laser acupuncture, acupressure, auricular therapy and transcutaneous electrical stimulation (EET) of the acupuncture point. Although the long-term effect of acupuncture is not known, it has been observed that the number of hours of uninterrupted sleep increases.

We will always consult professionals or specialists to deal with insomnia- related problems in an optimal and safe manner , who will advise us if a treatment with drugs or natural remedies is better for us or who will advise us if we have already decided how to treat Sleep disorder.

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